
The Nursing Process


Propositions - Nursing


  1. Nursing occurs on the various system levels, from organic systems to the larger social systems in the community.
  2. Nursing focused on individuals also includes the family and the environmental systems of contact. Therefore, all nursing is family nursing and is practiced in all clinical settings.
  3. All nursing interventions at the level of the family system or the community also heed individuals and their subsystems.
  4. Nursing is a process of mutual growth through spirituality.
  5. The goal of nursing is the support of the clients' systemic processes leading to health, whereas the clients' goal is health.
  6. The art of nursing consists of the nurse's creative ability to shift his or her position from the role of a participant and actor in the system to that of a bystander and shift from one system level to another (Friedemann, 1995, p. 35).


This framework drives a client-centered approach that focuses on strengths rather than problems. Clients determine their own goals and use those strategies that are congruent with their family systems process. The families learn about the model and assess themselves within the framework. Their plan to change is self-motivated. Health care providers use the following steps:


A ssess health patterns

D escribe the systemic diagram

D etermine needs for change


H ighlight existing strengths

E ncourage the use of systemic resources

A ssist in the discovery of new strategies

L ead the change process

T est results and evaluate health

H onor all effort