Biography Christina Koehlen

Dr. Christina Koehlen

Dr. Koehlen was educated as a pediatric nurse in Berlin, Germany and started practicing in 1987. From 1993 to 1998, she studied Nursing Education at the Humboldt University in Berlin and in 2003, she received a doctorate at the University of Osnabrueck, Germany. The subject of her thesis was home care of children with chronic conditions. In order to explain her interventions, she used the Framework of Systemic Organization.

In 1999, she connected with Dr. Friedemann at a professional conference in Nuremberg, where she gave a seminar on the Framework of Systemic Organization. Since then, Dr. Koehlen has been working with her in several projects in Germany, especially in the translation into German and the testing of the ASF-E instrument with samples from Germany and Switzerland. From 2004 to 2011, she had a professorship at the Protestant Technical College in Berlin, where she initiated and materialized the first Baccalaureate Program as general nursing education in Germany, based on the Framework of Systemic Organization.

During that time, Dr. Koehlen closely collaborated in writing the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th edition of the German book on the Framework of Systemic Organization and wrote part 6 of the 4th edition (See German literature). She also was co-author of a textbook "Pflege von Familien" (See German literature). In 2010, she was certified as family therapist by the German Association for Systemic and Family Therapy (DGSF) to consult with organizations, supervise, and conduct family therapy. 

Since 2011, Dr. Koehlen lives with her family and works on La Palma, one of the Canary Islands, Spain. In addition to publishing a few books (See German literature), she has participated in projects and conferences to help establish the Framework as a base for nursing with families in Europe. As a systemic family therapist, she practices in La Palma and works in collaboration with a German institution for the wellbeing of European children, specializing in adolescents in difficult situations. In her private practice, she also offers therapy to German and local residents living in La Palma and their families.