Research with Theory and/or ASF-E

Journal Articles - Theory Applied

Friedemann, M. L., & Musgrove, J. (1994). Perception of innter-city substance abusers about their families. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 8 (2), 115-123. 

Friedemann, M. L., & Webb, A. A. (1995). Family health and mental health six years after economic stress and unemployment. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 16 (1), 51-66. 

Friedemann, M. L., Montgomery, R. J., Maiberger, B., & Smith, A. (1997). Family involvement in the nursing home: Family-oriented practices and staff-family relations. Research in Nursing & Health, 20, 527-537. 

Friedemann, M. L. (1998). Effects of ALANON attendance on family perception of inner-city indigents. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 22 (1), 123-134. 

Friedemann, M. L., Montgomery, R.J., Rice, C., & Farrell, L. (1999). Family involvement in the nursing home. Western Journal of Nursing Research, a0, 549-567. 

Smith, A. A., & Friedemann, M. L. (1999). Perceived family dynamics of persons with chronic pain. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 30, 543-551. 

Pierce, L. L., Steiner, V. Govoni, A. L., Hicks, B., Cervantes Thompson, T. L., & Friedemann, M. L. (2004). Internet-based support for rural caregiver of persons with stroke shows promise. Rehabilitation Nursing, 29, 95-99. 

Pierce, L. L., Steiner, V. Govoni, A. L., Hicks, B., Cervantes Thompson, T. L., & Friedemann, M. L. (2004). Caregivers dealing with stroke pull together and feel connected. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 36 (1), 32-39. 

Cervantes, Thompson, T. L., Pierce, L. L., Steiner, V. Govoni, A. L., Hicks, B., & Friedemann, M. L. (2004). What happened to normal? Learning the role of caregiver. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics, 8 (2). 

Friedemann, M. L., Newman, F., Seff, L. R., & Dunlop, B. (2004). Planning for long-terms care: Concept, definition, and measurement. The Gerontologist, 44 (4), 520-530. 

Friedemann, M. L. & Anderson, K. H. (2005). Family health care across cultures: An international online program. Journal of Family Nursing, 11, 79-82. 

Pierce, L. L., Steiner, V. Govoni, A. L., Cervantes Thompson, T. L., & Friedemann, M. L. (2007). Two sides of the caregiving story. Stroke  Rehabilitation 14 (2), 13-20. 

Anderson, K. H., Friedemann, M. L., Buescher, A., Sansoni, J., & Hodnicki, D. (2012). Immersion research education: Students as catalysts in international collaboration research. International Nursing Review, 59, 502-510.

Friedemann, M. L., Newman, F. L., Buckwalter, K. C., & Montgomery, R. J. (2013). Resource need and use of multiethnic caregivers of elders in their homes. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 70 (3), 662-673. 

Friedemann, M. L., Buckwalter, K. C., Newman, F. L., & Mauro, A.C.  (2013). Patterns of caregiving of Cuban, other Hispanic, Caribbean, Black, and White elders in South Florida. Journal of Cross Cultural Gerontology, 28 (2), 137-152. 

Friedemann, M. L. & Buckwalter, K. C. (2014). Family caregiver role and burdsn related to gender and family relationships. Journal of Family Nursing, 20 (3), 313-336. 

Brown, E. L., Friedemann, M. L., & Mauro, A. C. (2014).  Use of adult day care service centers in an ethnically diverse sample of older adults. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 33 (2), 189-206. 

Pierce, L. L., Steiner, V., Cervantes Thompson, T. L., & Friedemann, M. L. (2014). Linking Theory with qualitative research through study of stroke caregiving families. Rehabilitation Nursing, 39 (3), 157-165. 


Conference Proceedings and Abstracts - Theory Applied 

Friedemann, M. L. (1995). Family involvement in institutional care: Predictors and effects. The Gerontologist, 28 (special issue 1),     p. 272. 

DeMarco, R. (1999). Using the Framework of Systemic Organization to expl9re the relationship between family life and behaviours of nursing workgroups. Conference Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Nursing Theories, Hospital of Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany. 

Master's Papers and Dissertations - Theory Applied

Swingle, M. (1990). Problem Behaviors if Young Siblings and Functioning Families with a Chronically Ill Child. Unpublished Master's Field study, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. 

Bednarski, D. (1992). Family Functioning in Substance Abusing Families. Unpublished Master's Field study, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. 

Maiberger-Guyman, B. (1993). Family-Directed Nursing Home Policies and Practices in Southern MichiganUnpublished Master's Field study, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. 

Katzer, D. (1994). Family Involvement in Nursing Homes. Unpublished Master's Field study, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. 

DeMarco, R. (1994). Within and Between Method Triangulation: Developing a Summative Rating Scale Using Qualitative to Quantitative Paradigms. Unpublished pre-doctoral field study, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. 

DeMarco, R. (1996). The Relationship Between Family Life and Workplace Behavior: Exploring the Gendered Perceptions of Staff Nurses Through the Framework of Systemic Organization. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. 

Pierce, L. (1998). The Experience and Meaning of Caring for Urban Family Caregivers of Persons with Stroke. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. 

Amaya de Pena, P. (1998). Measuring family health perceptions of poor pregnant women in Bogotá, Colombia. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. 

Smith, A. A. (1999). Women with Chronic Pain: Meanings, Family Relationships, and Healing Processes. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. 

Conference Proceedings - The Congruence Model

Musgrove, J. (1992). Perceptions of Inner City Substance Abusers About Their Families. Unpublished Master's Field study, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI.

Weller, J. (1993). Substance Abuse Recovery After Family Treatment With Inner City Minority Clients. Unpublished Master's Field study, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. 

Journal Articles - Research with the ASF-E

Friedemann, M. L. (1994). Evaluation of a family intervention with rehabilitating substance abusers. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 31 (1), 97-108. 

Friedemann, M. L. (1996). Effects of ALANON attendance on family perception of inner city indigents. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 22 (1), 123-236.

Friedemann, M. L., Montgomery, R. J., Rice, Cl, & Farrell, L. (1999). Family involvement in the nursing home. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 20, 549-567.  

Master's Studies

Best, C. J. (1989). Family Caregivers in Early Dementia: Functioning, Satisfaction, and Quality of Relationship. Unpublished Master's thesis, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. 

Emery, J. (1998). Family Differences Relative to Ethnicity and Demographics. Unpublished Master's field study, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. 

Sommers, D. (1998). The Relationship of Gender and Family Development Stage on Family Functioning. Unpublished Master's field study, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI.